Training Institute Academy

Stats for the WordPress theme Training Institute Academy

Date: 2024-09-16
Downloads Today: 4
Training Institute Academy Theme Screenshot
Total Downloads: 554
Active Installs: 10+
Version: 1.0.3
Author: omegathemes
Rating: 0
Reviews: 0
Last Updated: 2024-09-05
Requires WP: 5.5
Requires PHP: 7.2
Training Institute Academy is a powerful and versatile WordPress theme designed for educational institutions, tutoring centers, and private tutors. It caters to a wide range of tutoring services including online tutors, math tutors, English tutors, science tutors, language tutors, vocational training, professional development, skills training, educational academy, certification programs, learning center, training courses, academic institution, career training, educational programs, industry training, skill development, corporate training, training workshops, academic training

Downloads per day

Date: 2024-08-10 Downloads: 4
Date: 2024-08-09 Downloads: 6
Date: 2024-08-08 Downloads: 4
Date: 2024-08-07 Downloads: 5
Date: 2024-08-06 Downloads: 7
Date: 2024-08-05 Downloads: 27
Date: 2024-08-04 Downloads: 5
Date: 2024-08-03 Downloads: 9
Date: 2024-08-02 Downloads: 6
Date: 2024-08-01 Downloads: 10
Date: 2024-07-31 Downloads: 5
Date: 2024-07-30 Downloads: 3
Date: 2024-07-29 Downloads: 5
Date: 2024-07-28 Downloads: 5
Date: 2024-07-27 Downloads: 5
Date: 2024-07-26 Downloads: 9
Date: 2024-07-25 Downloads: 7
Date: 2024-07-24 Downloads: 7
Date: 2024-07-23 Downloads: 12
Date: 2024-07-22 Downloads: 7
Date: 2024-07-21 Downloads: 9
Date: 2024-07-20 Downloads: 9
Date: 2024-07-19 Downloads: 10
Date: 2024-07-18 Downloads: 11
Date: 2024-07-17 Downloads: 14
Date: 2024-07-16 Downloads: 14
Date: 2024-07-15 Downloads: 18
Date: 2024-07-14 Downloads: 7
Date: 2024-07-13 Downloads: 14
Date: 2024-07-12 Downloads: 16
Date: 2024-07-11 Downloads: 10
Date: 2024-07-10 Downloads: 15
Date: 2024-07-09 Downloads: 21
Date: 2024-07-08 Downloads: 25