Journey Tourism Two

Stats for the WordPress theme Journey Tourism Two

Date: 2024-09-20
Downloads Today: 2
Journey Tourism Two Theme Screenshot
Total Downloads: 1303
Active Installs: 70+
Version: 1.7
Author: realtimethemes
Rating: 0
Reviews: 0
Last Updated: 2024-09-17
Requires WP: 6.0
Requires PHP: 5.7
Welcome to Journey Turismo Two, your portal to extraordinary travel experiences. Our site is dedicated to providing personalized adventures, whether you’re an avid explorer or someone looking for a peaceful getaway.

Downloads per day

Date: 2024-08-10 Downloads: 22
Date: 2024-08-09 Downloads: 25
Date: 2024-08-08 Downloads: 32
Date: 2024-08-07 Downloads: 79
Date: 2024-08-06 Downloads: 63
Date: 2024-08-05 Downloads: 55
Date: 2024-08-04 Downloads: 44
Date: 2024-08-03 Downloads: 47
Date: 2024-08-02 Downloads: 56
Date: 2024-08-01 Downloads: 48
Date: 2024-07-31 Downloads: 81
Date: 2024-07-30 Downloads: 175
Date: 2024-07-29 Downloads: 124